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Invoice,Billing Application(Software)


This is a simple billing project which was developed using C# & SQL Server 2005. You can use it for all type of invoice/Bill preparation after small modification.
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Create Database
There are two ways to create a database.
         1. SQL Management Studio Query Analyser.
         2. SQL Management Studio Visual Tool.
The following sql script create a database with default option using SQL Management Studio Query Analyser.
(where MyBill is a name of database)
Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and execute the above mentioned query.
Create a database using SQL Server Management Studio Express
Right Click on Databases.
Select New Database... from the popup

Type your database name(Eg. "MyBill")
Select "OK"

Table Creation
Table Name Purpose
CompanyInfo Store the Company name & Address, it will be used in Invoice
PrMaster Store the Product details such as Product code, description, Rate, Unit etc.
InvoiceMain Store the invoice details such as Invoice No., Date, Customer Name & Address,
InvoiceSub Store the product details for corresponding invoice.
Script for Create the Table.
Copy the following script and paste in SQL Server Management studio Query Analyser. Press "F5" or Click "Run" button in the Tool bar.
        Use MyBill
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[InvoiceMain](
 [InvId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [InvoiceNo] [int] NULL,
 [InvoiceDate] [datetime] NULL,
 [InvoiceCustomer] [varchar](200) NULL,
 [InvoiceAddress] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [InvoiceCustomerId] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [InvoiceChequeNo] [varchar](25) NULL,
 [InvoiceBank] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [InvChequeDate] [datetime] NULL,
 [InvNetAmount] [numeric](18, 2) NULL,
 [InvTaxNetAmount] [numeric](18, 2) NULL,
 [InvId] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[InvoiceSub](
 [RowId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [InvId] [int] NULL,
 [PrId] [int] NULL,
 [PrQty] [numeric](18, 2) NULL,
 [PrRate] [numeric](18, 2) NULL,
 [PrTaxPercent] [numeric](18, 2) NULL,
 [RowId] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CompanyInfo](
 [CompanyId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [CompanyName] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [CompanyAddress1] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [CompanyAddress2] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [CompanyAddress3] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [CompanyPINCode] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [CompanyPhone1] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [CompanyTNGST] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [CompanyCST] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [CompanyTIN] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [CompanyId] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PrMaster](
 [PrId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [PrCode] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [PrDesc] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [PrUnit] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [PrId] ASC
Database Diagram(E-R Diagram)
Insert data into Companyinfo Table
       INSERT INTO [CompanyInfo]
           ('My Company',
   'PIN Code',
   'Phone No',
   'TNGST No',
   'CST No',
Select * from CompanyInfo

Insert Data in Product Master

Please refer the screen structure. I have designed this application in VS 2010 with C# Code. Below mentioned screen used to create Product.

Saved data in SQL Server.

Invoice/Bill Preparation

Please refer screen structure for Invoice/Bill.

Invoice List

Add - Create New Invoice.
Delete - Delete the selected Invoice.
Close - Close Invoice List.
Print - Print the selected Invoice.

Report Designing - Crystal Report.

Now I am going to design invoice/Billing application in  below mentioned format using Crystal Report.
Download Crystal report for Visual studio 2010

Add Crystal Report

Select Project Menu->Add New Item->Visual C# Items->Crystal Reports
Type the Report Name(MyInvoice.rpt)

Select "As a Blank Report"

Report Sections

Add fields to Report

Connect with Data source

Select View Menu->Server Explorer(Refer below screen)

Follow the images for data source connections.

Add table schema to Dataset

Drag & drop the "PrintInvoice" stored Procedure with "Invoicedataset.xsd"(Refer below screen)
PrintInvoice is a Stored Procedure which returns the necessary records for print the Invoice.

Place the field in Crystal Report.

Swith to MyInvoice.rpt Design mode.
Open Field Explorer.(If Field Explorer not visible Go to View Menu View->Other Windows->Document Outline)

Paper size & Margin Settings

Refer the below screen for Paper size & Margin settings.

Report Design

Place the fields in Report Area

Place the fields in Report(Refer the Image)

Preview the Report

Add new form and Place Crystal report viewer and name it CRV.

Change the DOCK Property of Crystal report viewer to Fill(Refer screen)

Switch to design view of frmInvoiceList.cs. Double click and write the following code in click Event

Refer the screen for Print the invoice.

private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if (lstMain.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select the invoice...");
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            string InvId;
            InvId = this.lstMain.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[6].Text;
            dt = Invoice.InvoicePrint(InvId);
            frmReportShow f = new frmReportShow();
            rptinvoice rpt = new rptinvoice();
            f.CRV.ReportSource = rpt;           

Print the Invoice(Refer Screen)

Invoice Output

Points to Remember
Just look at below screen.
Script of PrintInvoice stored Procedure
ALTER Proc [dbo].[PrintInvoice](@InvId int)
SELECT  dbo.InvoiceMain.InvId,
dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceNo,dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceDate, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceCustomer,
dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceAddress, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceCustomerId,
dbo.InvoiceMain.InvChequeDate, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvNetAmount,
dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyName, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyAddress1,
dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyPINCode, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyPhone1,
dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyTNGST, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyCST,
dbo.AmountToWords(InvNetAmount)+' only.' as Amountinwords
FROM dbo.InvoiceMain 
INNER JOIN dbo.InvoiceSub ON dbo.InvoiceMain.InvId =
 dbo.InvoiceSub.InvId INNER JOIN
dbo.PrMaster ON dbo.InvoiceSub.PrId = 
dbo.PrMaster.PrId CROSS JOIN
where dbo.InvoiceMain.InvId=@InvId
order by rowId
The field InvId(Identity Column) is a primary key of InvoiceMain Table.
The field InvId is a Foreign key of InvoiceSub Table which used to create ONE TO MANY relationship between the tables.
The PrintInvoice stored Procedure used to print the invoice. When you execute this procedure it should return some records. If it is return Zero record, the blank report will open.
In invoice no 1, there are two items are used.
In invoice no 2, there are three items are used.

ER Diagram for Invoice Print The above ER Diagram show the relationship between the table. The CompanyInfo table cross join with other table.
The CompanyInfo table must have only one record. If it have more than one record, the duplicate records will be return byPrintInvoice stored procedure.
The CompanyInfo table is optional. I have stored the Company details in that table. You can directly type(static text) company details in Crystal Report using Text box control. After deployment of the application, you may need to change the company details. If you use the CompanyInfo table, just update the details in Corresponding field in CompanyInfo. It will reflect immediately in the report.
if you use the static text method, you have to again deploy the entire project.

If you want the source code, Please send the mail to


So many user post their comments. But they have written, the application returned blank reports. Please run the following query in your Sql Server management studio(Refer Image). All the query should return at least one row. Otherwise you will get the blank report. If any of the query return no records, kindly check whether the table has record or not.

select * from [dbo].[CompanyInfo]

select * from [dbo].[PrMaster]

select * from [dbo].[InvoiceMain] order by invid 

select * from [dbo].[InvoiceSub] order by invid 

SELECT  dbo.AmountToWords(InvNetAmount)+' only.' as Amountinwords,   dbo.InvoiceMain.InvId,
 dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceDate, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceCustomer, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceAddress, 
dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceCustomerId, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceChequeNo, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceBank,
dbo.InvoiceMain.InvNetAmount, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvTaxNetAmount, dbo.InvoiceSub.RowId,
 dbo.InvoiceSub.PrId, dbo.InvoiceSub.PrQty, dbo.InvoiceSub.PrRate, 
dbo.InvoiceSub.PrTaxPercent, dbo.PrMaster.PrCode, dbo.PrMaster.PrDesc, dbo.PrMaster.PrUnit,
dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyAddress1, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyAddress2, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyAddress3,
dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyPhone1, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyTNGST, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyCST,
FROM dbo.InvoiceMain INNER JOIN
dbo.InvoiceSub ON dbo.InvoiceMain.InvId = dbo.InvoiceSub.InvId INNER JOIN
dbo.PrMaster ON dbo.InvoiceSub.PrId = dbo.PrMaster.PrId CROSS JOIN


Anonymous said…
Its Working . But Its Generate Blank Report.

Please help me sooon...........
Anonymous said…
i got a report .

thank you so much
Sumeet Jain said…
Thank you

Now i can print invoice because of your article
Saravana Kumar said…
Its Working . But Its Generate Blank Report.

Plzz help me...

ma maill id is
Unknown said…
This is an awesome weblog!!! I like your web page very much and I’ll sign-up to it if you post more content like this!
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Unknown said…
Generate Blank Report.
babu said…
Please send me your project.
babu said…
Please send me your project.
Unknown said…
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Chviga said…
This is great.
Thank you so much for this.
Unknown said…
Thanks Alot
its so helpfull
Anonymous said…

Unknown said…
Good Sfternoon Sir,
I get Invoioce Print Project Run Successfully but it generate Blank report Please help me out.


Anonymous said…
The type or namespace name 'CrystalDecisions' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Pls Help me to fix it.

Thanks in Advance
babu said…
Did you install the Crystal Report?
Download and Install Crystal from
Anonymous said…
I am also getting blank report...
please help me out...
My Email Id :
babu said…
If you get Blank Report, please follow the steps.

Run the following qry. It should return a row.

Select * from CompanyInfo

If no record found, please insert below record.

INSERT INTO [CompanyInfo]
('My Company',
'PIN Code',
'Phone No',
'CST No',

Below mentioned qry is final qry. The qry should return at least one row. Otherwise you will get blank report. If your invoice has 2 product, it should return 2 rows and so on.

SELECT dbo.InvoiceMain.InvId,
dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceNo,dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceDate, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceCustomer,
dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceAddress, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvoiceCustomerId,
dbo.InvoiceMain.InvChequeDate, dbo.InvoiceMain.InvNetAmount,
dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyName, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyAddress1,
dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyPINCode, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyPhone1,
dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyTNGST, dbo.CompanyInfo.CompanyCST,
dbo.AmountToWords(InvNetAmount)+' only.' as Amountinwords
FROM dbo.InvoiceMain
INNER JOIN dbo.InvoiceSub ON dbo.InvoiceMain.InvId =
dbo.InvoiceSub.InvId INNER JOIN
dbo.PrMaster ON dbo.InvoiceSub.PrId =
dbo.PrMaster.PrId CROSS JOIN
where dbo.InvoiceMain.InvId=@InvId
order by rowId
Unknown said…
Sir, I am also getting blank report, It was fine but after importing logo on head of bill i found my report blank, and now its totally blank.
Please help me,

My email id is
nice tutorial for crystal report but
i think crystal report is not useful
andymore so many out there software that i can say is fully innovative than crystal report like wisp billing system
Unknown said…
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shouvith said…
thanks very helpful
Marian said…
Thanks for sharing this, I am currently using an isp billing software by Visp and it really help me a lot. But still, I'm looking forward to try this, I'm going a programmer. Yey!
Unknown said…
Thanks to share this with us, It is very helpful .
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kathayan said…
hello..sir want this software.
Ravi said…
Please share your code of this application. Its very halpful for me.

Thanks a lot for this post.
The type or namespace name 'CrystalDecisions' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)easy to use project management software
babu said…
Hi Richard,

Did you install the Crystal report?

please install it and try again.

Crystal report URL :
Anonymous said…

Assayamu galeykum . Please help me. I downloaded the project and the base , now with the addition of "Invoice" in the "Invoice list" is not added.

skype: beiima
Pls send
SHerkhan said…

Assayamu galeykum . Please help me. I downloaded the project and the base , now with the addition of "Invoice" in the "Invoice list" is not added.

skype: beiima
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
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Niranjan said…
Hello, i want full source code for this project. i already sent you an email. Please do the needful.
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Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Great post thanks for sharing this post with us.
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Wow beautifully you write this blog, i amazed,i really like it, thanks for sharing.
Unknown said…
Is there anyway to translate "SQLserver" script to "MSaccess" script,,meaning... using "MSaccess" than "SQLserver"
Unknown said…

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Jack William said…
Nice presentation! I need some clarifications regarding invoice purpose. I am a single business owner, is free invoice generator tool is enough for my startup or else am i need to create the individual invoice software.

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